Productivity focused rule based Solutions

It is easy to see the value of an automated rule based solution, you only have to implement a small project to see the potential. However, without a productivity focused rule base solution you will hit the maintainability wall quickly and the rules will become difficult to sustain and expand. Productivity is a mind set and once you have achieved it you will never go back to the disciplines that ignore it.


Rule based systems are the difference maker with both the customer and employees and in that capacity they represent the P&C foundation for success.


We have experience in achieving productivity levels in excess of 50 times the norm on demonstrable prototype systems and will gladly review those efforts with you.


If we can help you achieve success email us at:



























If we can help you achieve success (go for the gold), email us at:

There is a way to implement great ideas



Getting out from under the P&C commodity trap




eDeShields, Inc.                                     Services for Selected Customers

The Gold Standard